How to Write an Annotated Bibliography
How to Write an Annotated Bibliography . Sherah L. Basham Read the syndicated article here
Reforming psychosocial and mental health pathways for young people following initial encounters with police
Reforming psychosocial and mental health pathways for young people following initial encounters with police Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, Volume 32, Issue 5, Page 303-307, October 2022. David Baker, Simon…
The Role of Financial Technologies in US-Based ISIS Terror Plots
. Go to Source Author: Joe Whittaker
Lessons learned from a peer support program for individuals seeking substance use recovery
Lessons learned from a peer support program for individuals seeking substance use recovery . Sydney Ingel Read the syndicated article here
Analyses of the TCU drug screen 5: using an item response theory model with a sample of juvenile justice youth
Analyses of the TCU drug screen 5: using an item response theory model with a sample of juvenile justice youth . Amanda L. Wiese Read the syndicated article here
Provisioning, Self-Efficacy, and Women’s Economic Crime: A Quantitative Examination
Provisioning, Self-Efficacy, and Women’s Economic Crime: A Quantitative Examination . MariTere Molinet Read the syndicated article here
A comparison of men and women referred to provincial correctional mental health services in Ontario, Canada
A comparison of men and women referred to provincial correctional mental health services in Ontario, Canada Abstract Background Women comprise around 15% of admissions to provincial correctional institutions in Canada.…
Using techniques of neutralisation to maintain contact: The experiences of loved ones supporting remand prisoners
Using techniques of neutralisation to maintain contact: The experiences of loved ones supporting remand prisoners Abstract This article proposes that loved ones supporting prisoners with experience of remand in England…
Child Abuse Myths are Pedophilic Myths: Cognitive Distortions are Stronger in Individuals Convicted of Sexual Offenses Diagnosed with Pedophilia Compared to Those Without Such Diagnosis
Child Abuse Myths are Pedophilic Myths: Cognitive Distortions are Stronger in Individuals Convicted of Sexual Offenses Diagnosed with Pedophilia Compared to Those Without Such Diagnosis . Sabrina Eberhaut Read the…
Experiences of Law Enforcement Officers in an Emotional and Belief Intelligence Leadership Training: A Consensual Qualitative Report
Experiences of Law Enforcement Officers in an Emotional and Belief Intelligence Leadership Training: A Consensual Qualitative Report . Jennifer K. Niles Read the syndicated article here