Understanding prison living: Mitigating the problem of ‘incompatible’ incarcerated people through the perspectives of correctional officers
Understanding prison living: Mitigating the problem of ‘incompatible’ incarcerated people through the perspectives of correctional officers Abstract Prisoner incompatibility is a challenge for correctional officers (COs), as incompatible people in…
Bailed out: Defendants’ and stakeholders’ experiences of a bail support programme
Bailed out: Defendants’ and stakeholders’ experiences of a bail support programme Abstract Despite dropping crime rates and prison muster, pretrial population rates in New Zealand are growing faster than in…
Khat-Chewing, Adiaphorisation and Morality: Rethinking Ethics in the Age of the Synopticon
Khat-Chewing, Adiaphorisation and Morality: Rethinking Ethics in the Age of the Synopticon Abstract In June 2014, the UK Government made khat (Catha edulis) a Class C drug under the UK…
Cultural Frames of Deviance. Muslim Religiousness and Adolescents’ Attitudes Toward Violent Control of Female Behavior
Cultural Frames of Deviance. Muslim Religiousness and Adolescents’ Attitudes Toward Violent Control of Female Behavior . Michael WindzioThalia HirschDirk Baiera University of Bremen, Bremen, Germanyb Institute of Delinquency and Crime…
Common sense police supervision: Practical tips for the first-line leader
Common sense police supervision: Practical tips for the first-line leader . Melissa L. KilmerAmerican University, Washington, DC, USA Read the syndicated article here
Characteristics of Crime Convenience: The Case of Corporate Offenders
Characteristics of Crime Convenience: The Case of Corporate Offenders . Petter GottschalkChristopher Hamertona BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norwayb Economic, Social and Political Sciences University of Southampton Highfield Southampton, UKPetter…
Prevalence of Legal, Prescription, and Illegal Drugs Aiming at Cognitive Enhancement across Sociodemographic Groups in Germany
Prevalence of Legal, Prescription, and Illegal Drugs Aiming at Cognitive Enhancement across Sociodemographic Groups in Germany . Sebastian SattlerFloris van VeenFabian HasselhornLobna El TabeiUwe FuhrGuido Mehlkopa Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germanyb…
White paper on forensic child interviewing: research-based recommendations by the European Association of Psychology and Law
White paper on forensic child interviewing: research-based recommendations by the European Association of Psychology and Law . J. KorkmanH. GevenR. BullM. CyrI. MäkeläM. MattisonR. MilneP. SanttilaP. van KoppenA. MemonM. DanbyL.…