Licensed Firearm Dealers, ATF Inspection Violations, and the Impact on Local Shootings
Licensed Firearm Dealers, ATF Inspection Violations, and the Impact on Local Shootings . Richard Stansfield Daniel C. Semenza Ian A. Silver Brielle Savage a Sociology, Anthropology & Criminal Justice, Rutgers…
Crime Stories: Assessing the Effects of Crime-Related Media on Support for Police
Crime Stories: Assessing the Effects of Crime-Related Media on Support for Police . Jason T. Callahan Stacey A. Clifton a Department of Criminal Justice, University of Southern Indiana, Evansville, Indiana,…
The Politics of Crime, Punishment and Justice: Exploring the Lived Reality and Enduring Legacies of the 1980’s Radical Right
The Politics of Crime, Punishment and Justice: Exploring the Lived Reality and Enduring Legacies of the 1980’s Radical Right . Seraphinus Mariano Agung Serman Esther Clasina Kwano Yoku Diponegoro University…
“Dude, you’re a Bitch!” Gang Members’ Internet Banging Masculinity via Bitch Discourse
“Dude, you’re a Bitch!” Gang Members’ Internet Banging Masculinity via Bitch Discourse . Meredith G. F. Worthen John Leverso Chris Hess Gracie Hedgpeth a University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USAb…
Investment scams: the effect of bias-induced gullibility on victimization propensity
Investment scams: the effect of bias-induced gullibility on victimization propensity Abstract This study examines the factors contributing to victimization propensity related to investment scams. A bias-induced gullibility model was proposed…
Interventionitis in the Criminal Justice System: Three English Cases
Interventionitis in the Criminal Justice System: Three English Cases Abstract This article highlights the problem it names as ‘interventionitis’; the tendency of policymakers to treat enduring, systemically generated problems with…
Recidivism Among People Convicted of Terrorism: A Survival Analysis Based on the Belgian Central Criminal Record
Recidivism Among People Convicted of Terrorism: A Survival Analysis Based on the Belgian Central Criminal Record . B. Mine M. Vande Velde P. Jeuniaux E. Maes L. Robert National Institute…
Learning While Doing: Mock Trials as Active Learning Strategies in Comparative Criminal Justice Courses
Learning While Doing: Mock Trials as Active Learning Strategies in Comparative Criminal Justice Courses . Sanja Kutnjak Ivković Yang Vincent Liu Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USASanja Kutnjak Ivković…
The Cost of Crime: The HAVEN Conceptual Framework for Measuring Victim Harms from Violence
The Cost of Crime: The HAVEN Conceptual Framework for Measuring Victim Harms from Violence . Caterina G. Roman John K. Roman Anthony Washburn Jesse T. Brey Elena I. Navarro Sofia…
Rational Choice on a Hacker Forum: The Effect of Risk and Reward Cues on Target Selection for Account Hijacking
Rational Choice on a Hacker Forum: The Effect of Risk and Reward Cues on Target Selection for Account Hijacking . Danielle Stibbe Stijn Ruiter Wouter Steenbeek Asier Moneva a Netherlands…
Being victim in a postcolonial context: A quantitative study on power relations in Mayotte
Being victim in a postcolonial context: A quantitative study on power relations in Mayotte Publication date: March 2025Source: International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, Volume 80Author(s): Elie Letourneur, Ada…
Safety and security in Abu Dhabi: The impact of policing on public perceptions
Safety and security in Abu Dhabi: The impact of policing on public perceptions Publication date: March 2025Source: International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, Volume 80Author(s): Jacqueline Sebire, Gareth Stubbs,…