Life Difficulties, Violent Online Extremism and Support for Political Violence in the United States
Life Difficulties, Violent Online Extremism and Support for Political Violence in the United States . Suranjan Weeraratne Laurie L. Rice Kenneth W. Moffett a Department of Political Science, Southern Illinois…
Why are state prison populations shrinking? A research note
Why are state prison populations shrinking? A research note Abstract After four decades of explosive growth, the US imprisonment rate began to inch downward in 2008. Despite fostering extensive public…
Beyond the Textbook: A Pilot Study Using Films to Enhance Criminology Education
Beyond the Textbook: A Pilot Study Using Films to Enhance Criminology Education . Shankey Verma Jindal Institute of Behavioural Sciences, OP Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, IndiaDr. Shankey Verma is…
“Justice Served”: The Dual Impact of Academic Service-Learning Programs on Exoneree Reintegration and Transformative Experience for Students
“Justice Served”: The Dual Impact of Academic Service-Learning Programs on Exoneree Reintegration and Transformative Experience for Students . Marina Sorochinski Division of Criminal Justice & Homeland Security, Collins College of…
The New EU Authority for Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism: A Paradigm Shift in EU Efforts to Combat Terrorist Financing?
. Go to Source Author: Oldrich Bures Metropolitan University Prague, Prague 10, Czech Republic
Would you press a button to kill the president? Willingness to engage in political violence and its implications for terrorism sting operations
Would you press a button to kill the president? Willingness to engage in political violence and its implications for terrorism sting operations . Jesse J. Norris Joseph P. McFall Hanna…
Enhancing the mental capacity assessment process: a community psychology perspective
Enhancing the mental capacity assessment process: a community psychology perspective . Mengyu Lim Lysia Tan Donald Yeo a Adult Disability Department, Community Psychology Hub, Singapore, Singaporeb Psychology Programme, School of…
Evaluating a community-informed training module for autism recognition in policing
Evaluating a community-informed training module for autism recognition in policing . Alisha C. Salerno-Ferraro Regina A. Schuller York University, Toronto, ON, Canada Read the syndicated article here
Therapeutic prevention of child sexual abuse: the Stand Strong, Walk Tall framework and overview
Therapeutic prevention of child sexual abuse: the Stand Strong, Walk Tall framework and overview . Sarah Beggs Christofferson Gwenda Willis Jacinta Cording Waikaremoana Waitoki a University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New…
Screening for borderline personality symptoms amongst adult offenders attending rehabilitation programmes
Screening for borderline personality symptoms amongst adult offenders attending rehabilitation programmes . Dianna R. Bartsch Sophie Ransom Kimberley J. Gilson a Borderline Personality Disorder Collaborative, SA Health, Unley, SA, Australiab…
Eligibility, injury and healing: exploring culturally appropriate compensation for First Nations victims of crime in Western Australia
Eligibility, injury and healing: exploring culturally appropriate compensation for First Nations victims of crime in Western Australia . Charmaine Holyoak Robert Guthrie a Office of Criminal Injuries Compensation, Perth, Western…
Food, Terrorism, and the Boko Haram and Al-Shabaab Insurgencies
. Go to Source Author: Simone Papale Emanuele Castelli Department of Law, Politics and International Studies, University of Parma, Parma, Italy