Evaluations of procedural justice: what drives practitioners’ support for interview procedures?

Evaluations of procedural justice: what drives practitioners’ support for interview procedures? . Diane Sivasubramaniam Jane Goodman-Delahunty Hayley J. Cullen Taylor Gogan a Department of Psychological Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology,…
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Let Moderation Be Your Guide: Neighborhood Characteristics Moderate the Relationship between Victimization and Fear of Crime

Let Moderation Be Your Guide: Neighborhood Characteristics Moderate the Relationship between Victimization and Fear of Crime . Susan McNeeley Amy Stutzenberger a Minnesota Department of Corrections, Saint Paul, MN, USAb…
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Correctional officer recruits’ navigation of overwhelm: Internal and external strategies

Correctional officer recruits’ navigation of overwhelm: Internal and external strategies Publication date: June 2025Source: International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, Volume 81Author(s): Katy Konyk, Katherine Maurer, Rosemary Ricciardelli, Cheryl…
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Embedding Implicit Bias Education into Curricular Interventions: Insights for Criminology Programs

Embedding Implicit Bias Education into Curricular Interventions: Insights for Criminology Programs . April Smith Cody Porter a School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UKb School of…
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College Students and the Neutralization of Unsafe Sex: Applying a New Model and Establishing a New Research Agenda

College Students and the Neutralization of Unsafe Sex: Applying a New Model and Establishing a New Research Agenda . Lisa Wade Tulane University, Newcomb Hall, USALisa Wade holds a PhD…
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Attitudes toward female immigrants and refugees to the United States: A conjoint experiment

Attitudes toward female immigrants and refugees to the United States: A conjoint experiment Publication date: June 2025Source: International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, Volume 81Author(s): Liza G. Steele, Laird…
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