The Extent and Sources of Support for Mitigating Collateral Consequences: A Comparison of Criminal Justice Majors and Non-Majors
The Extent and Sources of Support for Mitigating Collateral Consequences: A Comparison of Criminal Justice Majors and Non-Majors . Sunmin Hong Haley N. Puddy Alexander L. Burton Sunmin Hong is…
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of young adults regarding revenge pornography in Ghana: a qualitative study
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of young adults regarding revenge pornography in Ghana: a qualitative study . Enoch Teye-Kwadjo Danielle D. Jones Yvette Akuokor Afowa Ussher a Department of Psychology,…
The Dominance of Individualism and Positivism: Trends of Theorizing Sexual Victimization/Perpetration in Higher Education, 2013–2022
The Dominance of Individualism and Positivism: Trends of Theorizing Sexual Victimization/Perpetration in Higher Education, 2013–2022 Read the syndicated article here
Against Reformism: Anarchy and Green Criminology
Against Reformism: Anarchy and Green Criminology Read the syndicated article here
Slippery Slopes and Russian Roulettes: Abjection and Drug User (Self-)Governance in an Online Harm Reduction Forum
Slippery Slopes and Russian Roulettes: Abjection and Drug User (Self-)Governance in an Online Harm Reduction Forum Read the syndicated article here
Editorial (32)3
Editorial (32)3 Read the syndicated article here
The Ghost in the Machine: Counterterrorism in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
. Go to Source Author: Christopher Wall War Studies Department, King’s College London, London, UK
Citizens, Extremists, Terrorists: Comparing Radicalized Individuals with the General Population
Citizens, Extremists, Terrorists: Comparing Radicalized Individuals with the General Population . Bart Schuurman Sarah L. Carthy Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University, The Hague, The NetherlandsBart Schuurman is…
Linking Conspiracy Beliefs with Violence: A Scoping Review of the Empirical Literature
Linking Conspiracy Beliefs with Violence: A Scoping Review of the Empirical Literature . Emma Belton Tiahna Mulholland Kristina Murphy a Griffith Criminology Institute, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australiab School of Social…
The Differential Mediating Effects of Informal and Formal Social Control on the Disorder-Fear Linkage in Rural and Urban Areas of South Korea
The Differential Mediating Effects of Informal and Formal Social Control on the Disorder-Fear Linkage in Rural and Urban Areas of South Korea Go to Source
Triadization as a Rite of Passage: Conceptualizing the Links between Youth Gangs and Adult-Based Secret Societies in Singapore
Triadization as a Rite of Passage: Conceptualizing the Links between Youth Gangs and Adult-Based Secret Societies in Singapore Go to Source
Age and the Distribution of Crime in Botswana, Africa: Comparisons with the USA, Taiwan, South Korea, Namibia, and HG Invariance Norm
Age and the Distribution of Crime in Botswana, Africa: Comparisons with the USA, Taiwan, South Korea, Namibia, and HG Invariance Norm Go to Source