Terrorism, tourism and the end of hospitality in the “West”, by Maximiliano E. Korstanje, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 204 pp., ISBN 978-3-319-52251-7

Terrorism, tourism and the end of hospitality in the “West”, by Maximiliano E. Korstanje, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 204 pp., ISBN 978-3-319-52251-7 . Anita Clarke Read the syndicated article here
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The Malaysian “Islamic” State versus the Islamic State (IS): evolving definitions of “terror” in an “Islamising” nation-state

The Malaysian “Islamic” State versus the Islamic State (IS): evolving definitions of “terror” in an “Islamising” nation-state . Nicholas Chan Read the syndicated article here
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Infatuated with martyrdom: female jihadism from Al Qaeda to the “Islamic State”, by Mohammad Abu Rumman and Hassan Abu Hanieh, Amman, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2017, 456 pp., Translation by Banan Malkawi. ISBN: 978-9957-484-75-0

Infatuated with martyrdom: female jihadism from Al Qaeda to the “Islamic State”, by Mohammad Abu Rumman and Hassan Abu Hanieh, Amman, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2017, 456 pp., Translation by Banan…
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Policing transnational protest: liberal imperialism and the surveillance of anticolonialists in Europe, 1905-1945, Daniel Br̈ckenhaus, New York, NY, Oxford University Press, 2017, 320 pp., US$77.69 (hardback), ISBN-13: 978-0190660017

Policing transnational protest: liberal imperialism and the surveillance of anticolonialists in Europe, 1905-1945, Daniel Br̈ckenhaus, New York, NY, Oxford University Press, 2017, 320 pp., US$ (hardback), ISBN-13: 978-0190660017 . Kyle…
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