A Campus Adaptive Resolution Model Targeted at Yellow-Zone Behavior (Cultural Breaches)

A Campus Adaptive Resolution Model Targeted at Yellow-Zone Behavior (Cultural Breaches) Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. The usual campus responses to identity-based discrimination (gender, race, ethnicity, and pregnancy, for example)…
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The Motherhood Penalty—Understanding the Gendered Role of Motherhood in the Life Histories of Incarcerated South African Women

The Motherhood Penalty—Understanding the Gendered Role of Motherhood in the Life Histories of Incarcerated South African Women Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. The number of incarcerated women in South Africa…
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“Terrified of a System I Didn’t Understand”: Reporting Staff Sexual Misconduct Against Women on Parole

“Terrified of a System I Didn’t Understand”: Reporting Staff Sexual Misconduct Against Women on Parole Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. Incarcerated women experience staff-perpetrated sexual victimization at high rates, yet…
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Challenges to Reintegration: A Qualitative Intrinsic Case-Study of Convicted Female Sex Traffickers

Challenges to Reintegration: A Qualitative Intrinsic Case-Study of Convicted Female Sex Traffickers Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. Limited research focuses on the nature of the lived experiences of women engaged…
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Experiencing Shame: How Does Gender Affect the Interpersonal Dynamics of Restorative Justice?

Experiencing Shame: How Does Gender Affect the Interpersonal Dynamics of Restorative Justice? Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. Although reintegrative shaming theory suggests that, in comparison to males, females are more…
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Sexual Consent and Communication Among the Sexual Minoritized: The Role of Heteronormative Sex Education, Trauma, and Dual Identities

Sexual Consent and Communication Among the Sexual Minoritized: The Role of Heteronormative Sex Education, Trauma, and Dual Identities Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. Prior research and the #MeToo movement have…
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