Illicit payments for illicit goods: noncontact drug distribution on Russian online drug marketplaces
Illicit payments for illicit goods: noncontact drug distribution on Russian online drug marketplaces Volume 19, Issue 2, May 2018, Page 146-170. Alexander Mikhaylov Read the syndicated article here
Building institutional capacity: knowledge production for transnational security governance in Mexico
Building institutional capacity: knowledge production for transnational security governance in Mexico . Peter Finkenbusch Read the syndicated article here
Burning bridges: why don’t organised crime groups pull back from violent conflicts?
Burning bridges: why don’t organised crime groups pull back from violent conflicts? . Valentin Pereda Read the syndicated article here
Cybercrime is whose responsibility? A case study of an online behaviour system in crime
Cybercrime is whose responsibility? A case study of an online behaviour system in crime . Masarah Paquet-Clouston Read the syndicated article here
Selling stolen goods on the online markets: an explorative study
Selling stolen goods on the online markets: an explorative study . Sara Aniello Read the syndicated article here
Cybercrime is who’s responsibility? A case study of an online behaviour system in crime
Cybercrime is who’s responsibility? A case study of an online behaviour system in crime . Masarah Paquet-Clouston Read the syndicated article here
Improving state legitimacy? The role of anti-corruption agencies in fragile and conflict-affected states
Improving state legitimacy? The role of anti-corruption agencies in fragile and conflict-affected states . Sergio Marco Gemperle Read the syndicated article here
Gerry Nagtzaam, Cheltenham Edward Elgar, From environmental action to ecoterrorism? Towards a process theory of environmental and animal rights oriented political violence
Gerry Nagtzaam, Cheltenham Edward Elgar, From environmental action to ecoterrorism? Towards a process theory of environmental and animal rights oriented political violence Volume 18, Issue 4, November 2017, Page 442-444.…
Criminal network vulnerabilities and adaptations
Criminal network vulnerabilities and adaptations . David Bright Read the syndicated article here
Varieties of vigilantism: conceptual discord, meaning and strategies
Varieties of vigilantism: conceptual discord, meaning and strategies . Eduardo Moncada Read the syndicated article here
Sonja Wolf, Mano Dura. The politics of gang control in El Salvador
Sonja Wolf, Mano Dura. The politics of gang control in El Salvador Volume 18, Issue 3, August 2017, Page 322-324. Carlos Ponce Read the syndicated article here
Jeremy Morris and Abel Polese, Informal economies in post-socialist spaces: practices, institutions and networks
Jeremy Morris and Abel Polese, Informal economies in post-socialist spaces: practices, institutions and networks Volume 18, Issue 3, August 2017, Page 325-327. Thomas O’Brien Read the syndicated article here