The Downstream Effects of Bail and Pretrial Detention on Racial Disparities in Incarceration

The Downstream Effects of Bail and Pretrial Detention on Racial Disparities in Incarceration Bail and pretrial detention decisions may have important consequences for racial disparities in incarceration rates. Poor minority…
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Motus Animi in Mente Insana: An Emotion-Oriented Paradigm of Legal Insanity Informed by the Neuroscience of Moral Judgments and Decision-Making

Motus Animi in Mente Insana: An Emotion-Oriented Paradigm of Legal Insanity Informed by the Neuroscience of Moral Judgments and Decision-Making Legal insanity is deeply rooted in an intellectualistic conception of…
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Not Yet Gone, and Not Yet Forgotten: The Reasonableness of Continued Mandatory Detention of Noncitizens Without a Bond Hearing

Not Yet Gone, and Not Yet Forgotten: The Reasonableness of Continued Mandatory Detention of Noncitizens Without a Bond Hearing Section 1226(c) of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act…
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Reduced Culpability Without Reduced Punishment: A Case for Why Lead Poisoning Should be Considered a Mitigating Factor in Criminal Sentencing

Reduced Culpability Without Reduced Punishment: A Case for Why Lead Poisoning Should be Considered a Mitigating Factor in Criminal Sentencing The water crisis in Flint, Michigan, where residents discovered dangerous…
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The Effects of Body-Worn Cameras on Police Activity and Police-Citizen Encounters: A Randomized Controlled Trial

The Effects of Body-Worn Cameras on Police Activity and Police-Citizen Encounters: A Randomized Controlled Trial Many have suggested that placing body-worn cameras (BWCs) on police officers improves the civility of…
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