Kassouf-The Sixth Circuit’s Misguided Attempt to Rein in the IRS
Kassouf-The Sixth Circuit's Misguided Attempt to Rein in the IRS The omnibus clause of 26 § 7212(a) is a catch-all provision that broadly punishes people who corruptly endeavor to obstruct…
Employment Discrimination on the Basis of Criminal History: Why an Anti-Discrimination Statute is a Necessary Remedy
Employment Discrimination on the Basis of Criminal History: Why an Anti-Discrimination Statute is a Necessary Remedy The harms of mass incarceration do not end when an individual is released from…
Kassouf-The Sixth Circuit’s Misguided Attempt to Reign in the IRS
Kassouf-The Sixth Circuit's Misguided Attempt to Reign in the IRS The omnibus clause of 26 § 7212(a) is a catch-all provision that broadly punishes people who corruptly endeavor to obstruct…
The Thin Blue Line from Crime to Punishment
The Thin Blue Line from Crime to Punishment Criminal law scholarship is marked by a sharp fault line separating substantive criminal law from criminal procedure. Philosophical work focuses almost exclusively…
The Local-Control Model of the Fourth Amendment
The Local-Control Model of the Fourth Amendment Fourth Amendment doctrine has been home to two competing models: the Warrant Model and the Reasonableness Model. The Warrant Model, emphasizing the Amendment’s…
The Republican Party, Conservatives, and the Future of Capital Punishment
The Republican Party, Conservatives, and the Future of Capital Punishment The United States has experienced a significant decline in the death penalty during the first part of the twenty-first century,…
A More Just System of Juvenile Justice: Creating a New Standard of Accountability for Juveniles in Illinois
A More Just System of Juvenile Justice: Creating a New Standard of Accountability for Juveniles in Illinois For over a century, America’s legal system has made substantial reforms to change…
The Fourth Amendment in the Age of Persistent Aerial Surveillance
The Fourth Amendment in the Age of Persistent Aerial Surveillance If Big Brother made movies, persistent aerial surveillance would be its masterpiece. Small airplanes are rigged with high-tech cameras that…
Now You See Me: Problems and Strategies for Introducing Gender Self-Determination into the Eighth Amendment for Gender Nonconforming Prisoners
Now You See Me: Problems and Strategies for Introducing Gender Self-Determination into the Eighth Amendment for Gender Nonconforming Prisoners As the fight for transgender rights becomes more visible in the…
Technological Incarceration and the End of the Prison Crisis
Technological Incarceration and the End of the Prison Crisis The United States imprisons more of its people than any nation on Earth, and by a considerable margin. Criminals attract little…
Unmarked? Criminal Record Clearing and Employment Outcomes
Unmarked? Criminal Record Clearing and Employment Outcomes An estimated one in three American adults has a criminal record. While some records are for serious offenses, most are for arrests or…
The Law of Abolition
The Law of Abolition Three themes have characterized death penalty abolition throughout the Western world: a sustained period of de facto abolition; an understanding of those in government that the…