Employment Discrimination on the Basis of Criminal History: Why an Anti-Discrimination Statute is a Necessary Remedy

Employment Discrimination on the Basis of Criminal History: Why an Anti-Discrimination Statute is a Necessary Remedy The harms of mass incarceration do not end when an individual is released from…
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A More Just System of Juvenile Justice: Creating a New Standard of Accountability for Juveniles in Illinois

A More Just System of Juvenile Justice: Creating a New Standard of Accountability for Juveniles in Illinois For over a century, America’s legal system has made substantial reforms to change…
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Now You See Me: Problems and Strategies for Introducing Gender Self-Determination into the Eighth Amendment for Gender Nonconforming Prisoners

Now You See Me: Problems and Strategies for Introducing Gender Self-Determination into the Eighth Amendment for Gender Nonconforming Prisoners As the fight for transgender rights becomes more visible in the…
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