Organizational Conformity and Punishment: Federal Court Communities and Judge-Initiated Guidelines Departures

Organizational Conformity and Punishment: Federal Court Communities and Judge-Initiated Guidelines Departures The Sentencing Guidelines represent a uniform set of formal rules that are implemented across a broad range of diverse…
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Criminalizing Terrorism in Canada: Investigating the Sentencing Outcomes of Terrorist Offenders From 1963 to 2010

Criminalizing Terrorism in Canada: Investigating the Sentencing Outcomes of Terrorist Offenders From 1963 to 2010 Despite having endured significant terrorist incidents over the past 50 years, terrorism-specific offenses were not…
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The Long Goodbye: After the Innocence Movement, Does the Attorney-Client Relationship Ever End?

The Long Goodbye: After the Innocence Movement, Does the Attorney-Client Relationship Ever End? Inspired by the Innocence Movement, the American Bar Association has placed an unprecedented new obligation on defense…
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A Victim of Abuse Should Still Have a Castle: The Applicability of the Castle Doctrine to Instances of Domestic Violence

A Victim of Abuse Should Still Have a Castle: The Applicability of the Castle Doctrine to Instances of Domestic Violence In light of a nation-wide discussion about expanding self-defense laws,…
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