Holding Government Officials Accountable by Applying the State-Created Danger Doctrine to Cases of Suicide

Holding Government Officials Accountable by Applying the State-Created Danger Doctrine to Cases of Suicide Section 1983 of the Civil Rights Act provides a means for plaintiffs whose civil rights have…
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Criminalizing ESG: A Framework to Hold Corporations Accountable for Incorrect ESG Disclosures

Criminalizing ESG: A Framework to Hold Corporations Accountable for Incorrect ESG Disclosures Investors are increasingly interested in corporate environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) data, so the SEC has faced pressure…
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Getting Out of Traffic: Applying White Collar Investigative Tactics to Increase Detection of Sex Trafficking Cases

Getting Out of Traffic: Applying White Collar Investigative Tactics to Increase Detection of Sex Trafficking Cases When federal authorities investigate sex trafficking, three realities are consistently present. First, most sex…
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Judicial Responses to Age and Other Mitigating Evidence: An Exploratory Case Study of Juvenile Life Sentences in Pre-Miller Cases

Judicial Responses to Age and Other Mitigating Evidence: An Exploratory Case Study of Juvenile Life Sentences in Pre-Miller Cases This study describes how judges in Maricopa County, Arizona responded to…
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Is Juvenile Probation Obsolete? Reexamining and Reimagining Youth Probation Law, Policy, and Practice

Is Juvenile Probation Obsolete? Reexamining and Reimagining Youth Probation Law, Policy, and Practice The dramatic growth of prison populations in the United States during the latter half of the twentieth…
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How Culture Impacts Courtrooms: An Empirical Study of Alienation and Detachment in the Cook County Court System

How Culture Impacts Courtrooms: An Empirical Study of Alienation and Detachment in the Cook County Court System Courtrooms operate as unique microcosms—inhabited by courtroom personnel, legal actors, defendants, witnesses, family…
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