Fetal Protection Laws and the “Personhood” Problem: Toward a Relational Theory of Fetal Life and Reproductive Responsibility

Fetal Protection Laws and the "Personhood" Problem: Toward a Relational Theory of Fetal Life and Reproductive Responsibility Fetal Protection Laws (FPLs) are laws that define and provide punishments for any…
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Protecting the Substantive Due Process Rights of Immigrant Detainees: Using COVID-19 to Create a New Analogy

Protecting the Substantive Due Process Rights of Immigrant Detainees: Using COVID-19 to Create a New Analogy While the Supreme Court has defined certain constitutional protections for incarcerated individuals, the Court…
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Recalibrating Qualified Immunity: How Tanzin v. Tanvir, Taylor v. Riojas, and McCoy v. Alamu Signal the Supreme Court’s Discomfort with the Doctrine of Qualified Immunity

Recalibrating Qualified Immunity: How Tanzin v. Tanvir, Taylor v. Riojas, and McCoy v. Alamu Signal the Supreme Court's Discomfort with the Doctrine of Qualified Immunity In December 2020, the United…
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Policing Suspicion: Qualified Immunity and “Clearly Established” Standards of Proof

Policing Suspicion: Qualified Immunity and "Clearly Established" Standards of Proof This Article explores the intersection of Fourth Amendment standards of proof and the “clearly established” prong of qualified immunity. It…
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Don’t (Tower) Dump on Freedom of Association: Protest Surveillance Under the First and Fourth Amendments

Don't (Tower) Dump on Freedom of Association: Protest Surveillance Under the First and Fourth Amendments Government surveillance is ubiquitous in the United States and can range from the seemingly innocuous…
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