African Americans and punishment for crime: A critique of mainstream and neoliberal discourses
African Americans and punishment for crime: A critique of mainstream and neoliberal discourses . Jason Michael Williams Read the syndicated article here
Special issue on historical perspectives on punishment and social control
Special issue on historical perspectives on punishment and social control . Darnell F. Hawkins Read the syndicated article here
The politics of punishment: A study of the passage of the 1925 Federal Probation Act
The politics of punishment: A study of the passage of the 1925 Federal Probation Act . Julie L. Globokar Read the syndicated article here
Understanding historical changes in social and penal arts programs
Understanding historical changes in social and penal arts programs . Valerie Mae Oliver Read the syndicated article here
Dosage is more than just counting program hours: The importance of role-playing in treatment outcomes
Dosage is more than just counting program hours: The importance of role-playing in treatment outcomes . Kimberly Gentry Sperber Read the syndicated article here
Psychometric properties of the UNCOPE: Screening for DSM-5 substance use disorder among a state juvenile justice population
Psychometric properties of the UNCOPE: Screening for DSM-5 substance use disorder among a state juvenile justice population . Steven L. Proctor Read the syndicated article here
Early attempts at desistance from crime: Prisoners’ prerelease expectations and their postrelease criminal behavior
Early attempts at desistance from crime: Prisoners’ prerelease expectations and their postrelease criminal behavior . Jennifer Doekhie Read the syndicated article here
Probation and parole case management as opportunity-reduction supervision
Probation and parole case management as opportunity-reduction supervision . Lacey Schaefer Read the syndicated article here
“It’s hard to reenter when you’ve been locked out”: Keys to offender reintegration
“It’s hard to reenter when you’ve been locked out”: Keys to offender reintegration . Pamela Valera Read the syndicated article here
Evaluation I: Recidivism outcomes from a management program for youth who have committed a sexual crime
Evaluation I: Recidivism outcomes from a management program for youth who have committed a sexual crime . Lori Brusman Lovins Read the syndicated article here
Identifying programming needs of women detainees in a jail environment
Identifying programming needs of women detainees in a jail environment . Jeanna Rodda Read the syndicated article here
Implementing Creating Lasting Family Connections with reentry fathers: A partial replication during a period of policy change
Implementing Creating Lasting Family Connections with reentry fathers: A partial replication during a period of policy change . Stephen R. Shamblen Read the syndicated article here