Mental health screening instrument domain scores as predictors of recidivism in juvenile probation and drug court populations
Mental health screening instrument domain scores as predictors of recidivism in juvenile probation and drug court populations . Michael Sullivan Read the syndicated article here
Evaluation II: Risk outcomes from a specialized treatment and management program for youth who commit sexual crimes
Evaluation II: Risk outcomes from a specialized treatment and management program for youth who commit sexual crimes . Jamie Rae Yoder Read the syndicated article here
Letters to Children project: A letter-writing group designed to help incarcerated women develop or reinforce their roles as mothers
Letters to Children project: A letter-writing group designed to help incarcerated women develop or reinforce their roles as mothers . Leigh Sparks Read the syndicated article here
Understanding the impact of a DUI court through treatment integrity: A mixed-methods approach
Understanding the impact of a DUI court through treatment integrity: A mixed-methods approach . Andrew J. Myer Read the syndicated article here
A nutrition-based program for pregnant incarcerated women
A nutrition-based program for pregnant incarcerated women . Danielle H. Dallaire Read the syndicated article here
“Thank you for letting it be about me”: Women’s perceptions of holistic programming in a jail
“Thank you for letting it be about me”: Women’s perceptions of holistic programming in a jail . Regina Praetorius Read the syndicated article here
Predictors of incarcerated women’s postrelease PTSD, depression, and substance-use problems
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Unpacking the relationship between probationers with serious mental illnesses and probation officers: A mixed-methods examination
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“Fathers in Prison” program may create a basis for desistance among Norwegian prisoners
{title} {content} {author} Read the syndicated article here
Results from a comprehensive assessment of behavioral health problems among rural jail inmates
{title} {content} {author} Read the syndicated article here
Hispanic exconvicts’ perceptions of challenges and reintegration
Hispanic exconvicts’ perceptions of challenges and reintegration Volume 56, Issue 2, February-March 2017, Page 87-109. Yok-Fong Paat Read the syndicated article here
An exception to the rule: Belief in redeemability, desistance signals, and the employer’s decision to hire a job applicant with a criminal record
An exception to the rule: Belief in redeemability, desistance signals, and the employer’s decision to hire a job applicant with a criminal record Volume 56, Issue 2, February-March 2017, Page…