Validity of the LSI-R:SV, LS/RNR and VRS risk assessment instruments in a sample of male serious violent offenders in Australia

Validity of the LSI-R:SV, LS/RNR and VRS risk assessment instruments in a sample of male serious violent offenders in Australia . Ashley L. Dunne Melanie Simmons Nina Papalia Benjamin Spivak…
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Evaluations of procedural justice: what drives practitioners’ support for interview procedures?

Evaluations of procedural justice: what drives practitioners’ support for interview procedures? . Diane Sivasubramaniam Jane Goodman-Delahunty Hayley J. Cullen Taylor Gogan a Department of Psychological Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology,…
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The relationship between borderline personality disorder symptoms and treatment adherence self-efficacy in substance use treatment among a court-mandated sample in the U.S.

The relationship between borderline personality disorder symptoms and treatment adherence self-efficacy in substance use treatment among a court-mandated sample in the . Madison D. Smith Genevieve J. Allison Anisha Patel…
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The relationship between coping strategies, resistant responses, and suggestibility in children

The relationship between coping strategies, resistant responses, and suggestibility in children . Monia Vagni Tiziana Maiorano Valeria Giostra Daniela Pajardi Ray Bull a Department of Humanities, University of Urbino, Urbino,…
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Adults’ perceptions of children’s ground rule applications during investigative interviews

Adults’ perceptions of children’s ground rule applications during investigative interviews . Lillian A. Rodriguez Steen Lindsay C. Malloy Sonja P. Brubacher a Department of Life Sciences, Albany College of Pharmacy…
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The right patient on the right bed: historical risk profiles of two-year post-discharge recidivists, non-recidivists and long-stay patients at the start of forensic treatment

The right patient on the right bed: historical risk profiles of two-year post-discharge recidivists, non-recidivists and long-stay patients at the start of forensic treatment . Paul Ter Horst Guusje Van…
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Unravelling the wellbeing needs of correctional officers: results from nine separate focus groups

Unravelling the wellbeing needs of correctional officers: results from nine separate focus groups . Frank Ferdik Barbara Pierce Abigail Strait Haven Hizer Emma Staples a Department of Criminal Justice, Austin…
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