Commentary: Academic Accreditation and Certification in Criminology and Criminal Justice Education: From Ricochets to Reckonings

Volume 35, Issue 2, June 2024

Shavonne Arthurs Samantha M. Gavin a Seton Hill University, Greensburg, PA, USAb St. Bonaventure University, St. Bonaventure, NY, USAShavonne Arthurs is an Associate Professor and Program Coordinator of Criminal Justice at Seton Hill University (Greensburg, Pennsylvania). She is a past president of the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Justice Educators (PACJE) and currently serves as Secretary. She has also served as the Secretary of NEACJS since 2017. She is the Immediate Past Chair of the Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship section and the Secretary/Treasurer of the Drug and Alcohol Research section of ACJS. Additionally, she has served on the Assessment Committee, Membership Committee, and Program Committee in ACJS. She has served as the Student Affairs Committee Chair in ASC and is the current Co-Chair of the Division of Feminist Criminology. She is an ACJS certified program reviewer has served as an internal program review chair at Seton Hill University and serves on the assessment committee.Samantha M. Gavin is an Assistant Professor of Criminology at St. Bonaventure University (St. Bonaventure, New York). She is the current Immediate Past President of NEACJS, serving as President 2022–2023, and is the current NY representative, representing CJEANYS. She served on the Student Scholarship Committee, as the Awards Committee Chair, and is currently serving on the Membership Committee, Policies and Procedures Committee, and is Chair of the Conference Advancement Committee for NEACJS. She has been the ACJS Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship section Secretary/Treasurer since 2019, and has served on the Committee on National Criminal Justice Month, Program Committee, and Outstanding Book Award Committee in ACJS. She is the current Co-Chair of the Division of Feminist Criminology in ASC. In terms of accreditation experience, Dr. Gavin served on the Middle States Standard 5: Educational Effectiveness Assessment Committee from fall 2021 through spring 2023 at St. Bonaventure University.

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