Comparing Bachelor’s Degree Curricula at Three Groups of Colleges and Universities: Flexibility or Idiosyncrasy?

Comparing Bachelor’s Degree Curricula at Three Groups of Colleges and Universities: Flexibility or Idiosyncrasy? . John J. Sloan Read the syndicated article here
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Justice Department Requires Heraeus Electro-Nite LLC to Divest Assets Acquired from Midwest Instrument Company Inc. to Keystone Sensors LLC

Justice Department Requires Heraeus Electro-Nite LLC to Divest Assets Acquired from Midwest Instrument Company Inc. to Keystone Sensors LLC The Department of Justice today announced that it will require Heraeus…
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Colorado Health Care Organization and One of Its Montana Hospitals to Pay $3.85 Million for Allegedly Providing Financial Benefits to Referring Physicians and Physician Groups

Colorado Health Care Organization and One of Its Montana Hospitals to Pay $ Million for Allegedly Providing Financial Benefits to Referring Physicians and Physician Groups St. James Healthcare (St. James),…
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Eastern California Real Estate Investor Pleads Guilty to Bid Rigging and Fraud at Public Real Estate Foreclosure Auctions

Eastern California Real Estate Investor Pleads Guilty to Bid Rigging and Fraud at Public Real Estate Foreclosure Auctions An Eastern California real estate investor pleaded guilty today to conspiring to…
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Child Arrest, Settler Colonialism, and the Israeli Juvenile System: A Case Study of Occupied East Jerusalem

Child Arrest, Settler Colonialism, and the Israeli Juvenile System: A Case Study of Occupied East Jerusalem AbstractBased on three interrelated theoretical frameworks—institutional racism, settler colonialism and security reasoning—the study examines…
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