Still just victims or villains? The “jihadi brides” and the representation of politically violent women
Still just victims or villains? The “jihadi brides” and the representation of politically violent women . Leonie B. Jackson Read the syndicated article here
Rethinking Innocence Projects in England and Wales: Lessons for the Future
Rethinking Innocence Projects in England and Wales: Lessons for the Future Abstract This article draws on original empirical research to explore the rise and fall of innocence projects across England…
‘She Was Just Like A Lassie’ Analysing The Views of Cis-Women In Custody About Their Experiences of Living With Transgender Women In The Scottish Prison Estate
‘She Was Just Like A Lassie’ Analysing The Views of Cis-Women In Custody About Their Experiences of Living With Transgender Women In The Scottish Prison Estate AbstractThe subject of transgender…
Is non‐completion of treatment related to security need?
Is non‐completion of treatment related to security need? Abstract Background Treatment completion difficulties are common in forensic mental health settings and may have a profound impact on recidivism rates. Aims…
“Sunny Makes Everything Okay”: Therapy Dogs as a Pedagogical Tool in Sensitive Classes
“Sunny Makes Everything Okay”: Therapy Dogs as a Pedagogical Tool in Sensitive Classes . Angela M. Moe Read the syndicated article here
The role of defendant gender on juror decision-making within a mock sex trafficking case among a jury-eligible community sample
The role of defendant gender on juror decision-making within a mock sex trafficking case among a jury-eligible community sample . Kay Lynn Stevens Read the syndicated article here
Give Them Money: An Illustrative History of Forms of Reimagined Rehabilitation in Probation Practice in England and Wales
Give Them Money: An Illustrative History of Forms of Reimagined Rehabilitation in Probation Practice in England and Wales Abstract Traditionally, in its efforts to help people lead offence-free lives, the…
Designing Solutions for Improved Support within Health, Social Care and Criminal Justice for Adults with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism who Have Offended
Designing Solutions for Improved Support within Health, Social Care and Criminal Justice for Adults with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism who Have Offended Abstract People with learning disabilities and/or autism encounter…
Privatising Justice: The Security Industry, War and Crime Control W. Fitzgibbon and J. Lea. London: Pluto Press (2020) 224pp. £75.00hb, £22.99pb, £22.99e‐book ISBN 9780745399256; 9780745399232; 9781786801678
Privatising Justice: The Security Industry, War and Crime Control W. Fitzgibbon and J. Lea. London: Pluto Press (2020) 224pp. £, £, £‐book ISBN 9780745399256; 9780745399232; 9781786801678 The Howard Journal of…
Evidence Based Policing: An Introduction R. Mitchell and L. Huey (Eds.). Bristol: Policy Press (2019) 272pp. £75.00hb, £24.99pb, £24.99e‐book ISBN 97–1447339786; 97–144339755
Evidence Based Policing: An Introduction R. Mitchell and L. Huey (Eds.). Bristol: Policy Press (2019) 272pp. £, £, £‐book ISBN 97–1447339786; 97–144339755 The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, Volume 60, Issue 2,…
Prison Governor’s Journal B. O’Friel. Port St Mary: Brendan O’Friel (2021) 256pp. £17.99pb ISBN 978‐152‐62‐0847‐7
Prison Governor's Journal B. O'Friel. Port St Mary: Brendan O'Friel (2021) 256pp. £ ISBN 978‐152‐62‐0847‐7 The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, Volume 60, Issue 2, Page 273-275, June 2021.…