Police officers’ perceptions and experiences of promoting honesty in child victims and witnesses

Police officers' perceptions and experiences of promoting honesty in child victims and witnesses Abstract Purpose This two-phase study employed a mixed-methods design to explore UK police officers' perceptions and experiences…
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Public mass shootings in developed countries: uncovering stability and change at the turn of the century

Public mass shootings in developed countries: uncovering stability and change at the turn of the century . Jason R. SilvaDepartment of Sociology and Criminal Justice, William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ,…
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Workplace Deviance Investigations: A Case Study of the Application of Maturity Model to a University Investigation

Workplace Deviance Investigations: A Case Study of the Application of Maturity Model to a University Investigation . Petter GottschalkDepartment of Leadership and Organizational Behavior, BI Norwegian Business School, Nydalsveien, Oslo,…
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Streetwork at the crossroads: An evaluation of a street gang outreach intervention and holistic appraisal of the research evidence

Streetwork at the crossroads: An evaluation of a street gang outreach intervention and holistic appraisal of the research evidence Abstract Spurred by the success of public health violence interventions, and…
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Delinquency, unstructured socializing, and social change: The rise and fall of a teen culture of independence

Delinquency, unstructured socializing, and social change: The rise and fall of a teen culture of independence Abstract This article delves into the connections between time trends in unstructured socializing and…
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Routine citizen Internet practices and cyber victimization: a state-wide study in Virginia

Visit Criminal justice Studies . Routine citizen Internet practices and cyber victimization: a state-wide study in Virginia Randy R. GaineyJay S. AlbaneseTancy Vandecar-BurdinJames HawdonThomas E. DeardenKatalin Partia Department of Sociology…
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Training bar staff to serve as active bystanders in the prevention of substance-involved sexual assault: a quasi-experimental field evaluation of behavioural effects of the Raise the Bar programme

Training bar staff to serve as active bystanders in the prevention of substance-involved sexual assault: a quasi-experimental field evaluation of behavioural effects of the Raise the Bar programme . Heather…
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