Hidden Power: The Strategic Logic of Organised Crime
Hidden Power: The Strategic Logic of Organised Crime Hidden Power: The Strategic Logic of Organised Crime. By CockayneJames (Hurst Publishers, 2016, 448pp. £) Read the syndicated article here
Windows into the Soul: Surveillance and Society in an Age of High Technology. By Gary T. Marx. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016, xxii + 404 pp.
Windows into the Soul: Surveillance and Society in an Age of High Technology. By Gary T. Marx. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016, xxii + 404 pp. Windows into…
Friendship, Love and Hip Hop: An Ethnography of African American Men in Psychiatric Custody. By Katie Rose Hejtmanek
Friendship, Love and Hip Hop: An Ethnography of African American Men in Psychiatric Custody. By Katie Rose Hejtmanek Friendship, Love and Hip Hop: An Ethnography of African American Men in…
‘Setting A Good Example for the Ladies’: Example Setting as a Technique of Penal Reform in Specialized Prostitution Court
‘Setting A Good Example for the Ladies’: Example Setting as a Technique of Penal Reform in Specialized Prostitution Court AbstractThis article identifies and examines example setting as a penal technique…
The Modern Making of Stop and Search The Rise of Preventative Sensibilities in Post-War Britain
The Modern Making of Stop and Search The Rise of Preventative Sensibilities in Post-War Britain AbstractThis article investigates the development of modern stop and search powers in post-war Britain—namely, the…
Providing a Check on Prosecutorial Decision-Making An Analysis of the Victims’ Right to Review Reform
Providing a Check on Prosecutorial Decision-Making An Analysis of the Victims’ Right to Review Reform AbstractThe Victims’ Right to Review (VRR) enables victims to request a review of a prosecutor’s…
Corruption within the Illegal Wildlife Trade: A Symbiotic and Antithetical Enterprise
Corruption within the Illegal Wildlife Trade: A Symbiotic and Antithetical Enterprise AbstractThis study focuses on the role of corruption in facilitating the illegal wildlife trade. This research attempts to contribute…
Location and Sentencing: To What Extent Do Contextual Factors Explain between Court Disparities?
Location and Sentencing: To What Extent Do Contextual Factors Explain between Court Disparities? AbstractThis article investigates the presence of unwarranted between court disparities in England and Wales, examining whether they…
Finding Freedom and Rethinking Power: Islamic Piety in English High Security Prisons
Finding Freedom and Rethinking Power: Islamic Piety in English High Security Prisons AbstractPrison ethnographers are often confronted with everyday examples of people trying to achieve some conception of the human…
Leaving no stone unturned: The borders and orders of transnational prostitution
Leaving no stone unturned: The borders and orders of transnational prostitution AbstractCriminologists are increasingly turning their attention to the intersections between immigration and crime control. In this article, we describe…
Wrongful Allegations of Sexual and Child Abuse. By Ros Burnett (Oxford University Press, 2016, 304pp. £75.00)
Wrongful Allegations of Sexual and Child Abuse. By Ros Burnett (Oxford University Press, 2016, 304pp. £) Wrongful Allegations of Sexual and Child Abuse. ByBurnettRos (Oxford University Press, 2016, 304pp. £)…
The Radzinowicz Memorial Prize
The Radzinowicz Memorial Prize The Radzinowicz Memorial Prize is awarded by The British Journal of Criminology for the article published each year which, in the opinion of the editors, most…