Role-induced bias in criminal prosecutions
Role-induced bias in criminal prosecutions European Journal of Criminology, Ahead of Print. Nicole Egli Anthonioz Read the syndicated article here
‘I’d say it’s around me’: Introducing field analysis into bouncer ethnography – the case of a Czech city
‘I’d say it’s around me’: Introducing field analysis into bouncer ethnography – the case of a Czech city European Journal of Criminology, Volume 15, Issue 3, Page 364-382, May 2018.…
Parental imprisonment, child victimization and adult problems
Parental imprisonment, child victimization and adult problems European Journal of Criminology, Ahead of Print. Åsa Källström Read the syndicated article here
Sentencing disparities in the Czech Republic: Empirical evidence from post-communist Europe
Sentencing disparities in the Czech Republic: Empirical evidence from post-communist Europe European Journal of Criminology, Ahead of Print. Jakub Drápal Read the syndicated article here
Does ethnic diversity increase violent crime? A global analysis of homicide rates, 1995–2013
Does ethnic diversity increase violent crime? A global analysis of homicide rates, 1995–2013 European Journal of Criminology, Ahead of Print. Indra de Soysa Read the syndicated article here
The ecology of outdoor rape: The case of Stockholm, Sweden
The ecology of outdoor rape: The case of Stockholm, Sweden European Journal of Criminology, Ahead of Print. Vania Ceccato Read the syndicated article here
Company culture and prevention of corruption in Germany, China and Russia
Company culture and prevention of corruption in Germany, China and Russia European Journal of Criminology, Volume 15, Issue 3, Page 255-277, May 2018. Kai D Bussmann Read the syndicated article…
Public scholarship and the evidence movement: Understanding and learning from Belgian drug policy development
Public scholarship and the evidence movement: Understanding and learning from Belgian drug policy development European Journal of Criminology, Volume 15, Issue 3, Page 278-295, May 2018. Julie Tieberghien Read the…
Rethinking one of criminology’s ‘brute facts’: The age–crime curve and the crime drop in Scotland
Rethinking one of criminology’s ‘brute facts’: The age–crime curve and the crime drop in Scotland European Journal of Criminology, Volume 15, Issue 3, Page 296-320, May 2018. Ben Matthews Read…
How are social bonds to a romantic partner related to criminal offending?
How are social bonds to a romantic partner related to criminal offending? European Journal of Criminology, Volume 15, Issue 3, Page 321-343, May 2018. Alva Albæk Nielsen Read the syndicated…
Towards a criminology of structurally conditioned emotions: Combining Bourdieu’s field theory and cultural criminology
Towards a criminology of structurally conditioned emotions: Combining Bourdieu’s field theory and cultural criminology European Journal of Criminology, Volume 15, Issue 3, Page 344-363, May 2018. Annick Prieur Read the…