‘I’d say it’s around me’: Introducing field analysis into bouncer ethnography – the case of a Czech city

‘I’d say it’s around me’: Introducing field analysis into bouncer ethnography – the case of a Czech city European Journal of Criminology, Volume 15, Issue 3, Page 364-382, May 2018.…
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Public scholarship and the evidence movement: Understanding and learning from Belgian drug policy development

Public scholarship and the evidence movement: Understanding and learning from Belgian drug policy development European Journal of Criminology, Volume 15, Issue 3, Page 278-295, May 2018. Julie Tieberghien Read the…
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Rethinking one of criminology’s ‘brute facts’: The age–crime curve and the crime drop in Scotland

Rethinking one of criminology’s ‘brute facts’: The age–crime curve and the crime drop in Scotland European Journal of Criminology, Volume 15, Issue 3, Page 296-320, May 2018. Ben Matthews Read…
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Towards a criminology of structurally conditioned emotions: Combining Bourdieu’s field theory and cultural criminology

Towards a criminology of structurally conditioned emotions: Combining Bourdieu’s field theory and cultural criminology European Journal of Criminology, Volume 15, Issue 3, Page 344-363, May 2018. Annick Prieur Read the…
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