On the dynamics behind profit-driven cybercrime from contextual factors to perceived group structures, and the workforce at the periphery
On the dynamics behind profit-driven cybercrime from contextual factors to perceived group structures, and the workforce at the periphery . Masarah Paquet-Clouston Read the syndicated article here
More than money: examining the potential exposure of romance fraud victims to identity crime
More than money: examining the potential exposure of romance fraud victims to identity crime . Cassandra Cross Read the syndicated article here
Parents’ reflections on child trafficking mitigation mechanisms in trafficking hotspot communities
Parents’ reflections on child trafficking mitigation mechanisms in trafficking hotspot communities . Crispin Rakibu Mbamba Read the syndicated article here
Explaining the reproduction of illegal drug use control regimes in Japan: the multi-centred governance thesis
Explaining the reproduction of illegal drug use control regimes in Japan: the multi-centred governance thesis . David Brewster Read the syndicated article here
Building a case for trust: reputation, institutional regulation and social ties in online drug markets
Building a case for trust: reputation, institutional regulation and social ties in online drug markets . Rasmus Munksgaard Read the syndicated article here
Demand for and disposal of stolen goods in legitimate second-hand online markets: an explorative online survey
Demand for and disposal of stolen goods in legitimate second-hand online markets: an explorative online survey . Liam Quinn Read the syndicated article here
How international rents moderate business cycles’ relationship to high homicide rates
How international rents moderate business cycles’ relationship to high homicide rates . Daniel S. Leon Read the syndicated article here
Profiling the Fraudster: Findings from a Rapid Evidence Assessment
Profiling the Fraudster: Findings from a Rapid Evidence Assessment . Anna Gekoski Read the syndicated article here
Changing attitudes: lessons for countering the trafficking of cultural objects
Changing attitudes: lessons for countering the trafficking of cultural objects . Siv Rebekka Runhovde Read the syndicated article here
The vanishing independent: adapting to the changing dynamics of drug trafficking organisations in Mexico
The vanishing independent: adapting to the changing dynamics of drug trafficking organisations in Mexico . Roger Guy Read the syndicated article here
The criminology of Carlo Morselli II
The criminology of Carlo Morselli II Volume 23, Issue 2, May 2022. David Décary-Hétu Read the syndicated article here
Criminal nomads: The role of multiple memberships in the criminal collaboration network between Hells Angels MC and Bandidos MC
Criminal nomads: The role of multiple memberships in the criminal collaboration network between Hells Angels MC and Bandidos MC . Hernan Mondani Read the syndicated article here