Keeping connected while living apart: an exploration of a prison contact maintenance program
Keeping connected while living apart: an exploration of a prison contact maintenance program . Lisa Melander Read the syndicated article here
Reentry court judges: the key to the court
Reentry court judges: the key to the court . Christopher Salvatore Read the syndicated article here
Feeling at home in nature: a mixed method study of the impact of visitor activities and preferences in a prison visiting room garden
Feeling at home in nature: a mixed method study of the impact of visitor activities and preferences in a prison visiting room garden . Barb Toews Read the syndicated article…
“Everyone is on supervision”: the function of home visits in structuring family dynamics and exerting continuous control
“Everyone is on supervision”: the function of home visits in structuring family dynamics and exerting continuous control . Juan R. Sandoval Read the syndicated article here
The association between substance use and mental health symptoms among incarcerated males in Spain
The association between substance use and mental health symptoms among incarcerated males in Spain Volume 59, Issue 3, April 2020, Page 138-155. Francisco Caravaca Sánchez Read the syndicated article here
Trauma exposure and post-traumatic stress symptoms among men and women in a substance use and mental health treatment court sample
Trauma exposure and post-traumatic stress symptoms among men and women in a substance use and mental health treatment court sample . Krystel Tossone Read the syndicated article here
“Came for the horses, stayed for the men”: A mixed methods analysis of staff, community, and reentrant perceptions of a prison-equine program (PEP)
“Came for the horses, stayed for the men”: A mixed methods analysis of staff, community, and reentrant perceptions of a prison-equine program (PEP) . Amy A. Morgan Read the syndicated…
The association between substance use and mental health symptoms among incarcerated male in Spain
The association between substance use and mental health symptoms among incarcerated male in Spain . Francisco Caravaca Sánchez Read the syndicated article here
The impact of health insurance on problematic substance use among justice-involved individuals
The impact of health insurance on problematic substance use among justice-involved individuals . Aaron Gottlieb Read the syndicated article here
The impact of mindfulness meditation on self-esteem and self-compassion among prisoners
The impact of mindfulness meditation on self-esteem and self-compassion among prisoners . Richard H. Morley Read the syndicated article here
Assessing the impact of an animal-assisted intervention for jail inmates
Assessing the impact of an animal-assisted intervention for jail inmates . Alan Kunz-Lomelin Read the syndicated article here
D.C. Central Kitchen: Peer mentoring, structure and self-empowerment play a critical role in desistance
Central Kitchen: Peer mentoring, structure and self-empowerment play a critical role in desistance . Esther Matthews Read the syndicated article here