Janus-Faced Youth Justice Work and the Transformation of Accountability
Janus-Faced Youth Justice Work and the Transformation of Accountability Abstract This article revisits claims about the relationship between ‘standardisation’, ‘discretion’ and ‘accountability’ in youth justice made in the wake of…
The Challenges of Outcome Measurement for Arts Practitioners in the Criminal Justice Sector
The Challenges of Outcome Measurement for Arts Practitioners in the Criminal Justice Sector Abstract Arts activities have long been used to help rehabilitate offenders and there is anecdotal evidence to…
How Well Does Theory Travel? David Garland in the Global South
How Well Does Theory Travel? David Garland in the Global South Abstract How well does theory travel? The article examines this question by exploring how David Garland's work on crime…
A Narrative Based Model of Differentiating Rioters
A Narrative Based Model of Differentiating Rioters Abstract The present study applied a narrative analysis upon rioter accounts of their motivations during the August 2011 England riots. To the authors’…
Sex in Prisoner Power Relations: Attitudes and Practices in a Ukrainian Correctional Colony for Men
Sex in Prisoner Power Relations: Attitudes and Practices in a Ukrainian Correctional Colony for Men Abstract Most research on prison sex has originated in the global West, often employing quantitative…
The Hammermen: Life and Death as a Gang Hitman in Cape Town
The Hammermen: Life and Death as a Gang Hitman in Cape Town Abstract Contract killing and hitmen are underexplored in criminology. Recent studies, including an ongoing project in South Africa,…
He's Just Not That Vulnerable: Exploring the Implementation of the Appropriate Adult Safeguard in Police Custody
He's Just Not That Vulnerable: Exploring the Implementation of the Appropriate Adult Safeguard in Police Custody Abstract This article examines the treatment of vulnerable suspects in police custody, with particular…
Privatising Probation: The Death Knell of a Much-Cherished Public Service?
Privatising Probation: The Death Knell of a Much-Cherished Public Service? Abstract The probation service has showed a remarkable facility to reinvent itself over a century of turbulent, but sustained, history.…
Towards a Rhizomatic Understanding of the Desistance Journey
Towards a Rhizomatic Understanding of the Desistance Journey Abstract Although the ‘desistance as a (zigzag) journey’ metaphor has proved useful in terms of translating theory into practice, this article makes…
Penal Reform and Probation in Europe: Positive Change of Direction, ‘Nudges to the Rudder’, or ‘Steady as She Goes’?
Penal Reform and Probation in Europe: Positive Change of Direction, ‘Nudges to the Rudder’, or ‘Steady as She Goes’? Abstract Penal policy can be influenced by a range of factors,…
Legitimacy on Licence: Why and How it Matters
Legitimacy on Licence: Why and How it Matters Abstract People leaving prison typically face numerous barriers to successful reintegration – a situation reflected by high reoffending rates in many countries…
Rape Politics, Policies and Practice: Exploring the Tensions and Unanticipated Consequences of Well-Intended Victim-Focused Measures
Rape Politics, Policies and Practice: Exploring the Tensions and Unanticipated Consequences of Well-Intended Victim-Focused Measures Abstract The inability of the criminal justice system to respond effectively to rape has led…