Gender Identity and Trans Equality: Comment on Burt 2020
Gender Identity and Trans Equality: Comment on Burt 2020
Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print.
Recently, Burt expressed concern that in allowing gender to supersede sex, The Equality Act will endanger ciswomen. Gender/sex identities, however, are not as simple as the sexual dimorphic structure Burt introduces. I argue that it is important to validate trans individuals’ identities and give trans women, in particular, access to women’s spaces to reduce the high rates of psychological stress and physical dangers that trans individuals face on a daily basis. I end with solutions that could allow gender to supersede sex while also protecting ciswomen.
Recently, Burt expressed concern that in allowing gender to supersede sex, The Equality Act will endanger ciswomen. Gender/sex identities, however, are not as simple as the sexual dimorphic structure Burt introduces. I argue that it is important to validate trans individuals’ identities and give trans women, in particular, access to women’s spaces to reduce the high rates of psychological stress and physical dangers that trans individuals face on a daily basis. I end with solutions that could allow gender to supersede sex while also protecting ciswomen.
Alyse Sherrick