Fields of Educational Interest and an Islamist Orientation in Australia
Fields of Educational Interest and an Islamist Orientation in Australia . Shane Satterley Read the syndicated article here
911+20 and the questions remain the same
911+20 and the questions remain the same . Annick T. R. Wibben Read the syndicated article here
Beyond the shadow of 9/11? Videogames 20 years after 9/11
Beyond the shadow of 9/11? Videogames 20 years after 9/11 . Nick Robinson Read the syndicated article here
A pivotal event narrative in critical terrorism studies: COVID-19 and the threat of terrorism
A pivotal event narrative in critical terrorism studies: COVID-19 and the threat of terrorism . Anastassiya Mahon Read the syndicated article here
Critical Criminology: State‐Facilitated Corporate Crime, Environmental Racism, and the Atlantic Coast Pipeline
Critical Criminology: State‐Facilitated Corporate Crime, Environmental Racism, and the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Abstract Critical criminology continues to focus on the intersections of race, class, and green harms, as this analysis…
Looking to Critical Criminology to Centre Gender and Violence Against Women in State Crime Studies
Looking to Critical Criminology to Centre Gender and Violence Against Women in State Crime Studies Abstract The state is over-represented as a perpetrator of violence against women, yet it receives…
Critical Criminology and Race: Re‐examining the Whiteness of US Criminological Thought
Critical Criminology and Race: Re‐examining the Whiteness of US Criminological Thought Abstract Race and racism are defining features of criminal justice systems in the United States. Race is also a…
Introduction: Critical Criminology for the 21st Century
Introduction: Critical Criminology for the 21st Century The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, Volume 60, Issue 3, Page 283-289, September 2021. VALERIA VEGH WEIS Read the syndicated article here
The Crimmigrant Other: Migration and Penal Power K. Franko. Abingdon: Routledge (2020) 250pp. £96.00hb, £27.99pb, £27.99e‐book ISBN 9781138545960; 9781138545977; 9781351001441
The Crimmigrant Other: Migration and Penal Power K. Franko. Abingdon: Routledge (2020) 250pp. £, £, £‐book ISBN 9781138545960; 9781138545977; 9781351001441 The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, Volume 60, Issue…
Invisible no more police violence against black women and women of color, by
Invisible no more police violence against black women and women of color, by . Janice Joseph Read the syndicated article here
9/11 and the politics of counter-terrorism: writing temporality in(to) counter-terrorism rhetoric and discourse in Nigeria
9/11 and the politics of counter-terrorism: writing temporality in(to) counter-terrorism rhetoric and discourse in Nigeria . Kodili Henry Chukwuma Read the syndicated article here