Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence in Childhood and Partner Violence Perpetration in Adulthood: The Mediating Role of Aggression

Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence in Childhood and Partner Violence Perpetration in Adulthood: The Mediating Role of Aggression . Olga CunhaAna Rita CruzAndreia de Castro RodriguesRui Abrunhosa GonçalvesMaria Manuela Peixotoa…
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The Road to Desistance: The Relationship between Formal Institutions of Social Control, Informal Social Bonds, and Intermittency in Offending

The Road to Desistance: The Relationship between Formal Institutions of Social Control, Informal Social Bonds, and Intermittency in Offending . Tamara HumphreyGrace LiErin Gibbs Van Brunschota Department of Sociology, University…
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Weaponized Autism: Making Sense of Violent Internalized Ableism in Online Incel Communities

Weaponized Autism: Making Sense of Violent Internalized Ableism in Online Incel Communities . Ruxandra Mihaela GheorgheDavid Yuzva ClementCarleton University School of Social Work, Ottawa, ON, CanadaRuxandra M. Gheorghe, MA, MSW,…
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Navigating the Social Maze: An Integrative Review on the Social Network Properties of Deviant Peer Influence in Adolescent Networks

Navigating the Social Maze: An Integrative Review on the Social Network Properties of Deviant Peer Influence in Adolescent Networks . Joke GeeraertLuis EC RochaChristophe Vandevivera Ghent University, Belgium Research Foundation…
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Cyber-Victimization /Bullying Among Turkish Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Cyber-Victimization /Bullying Among Turkish Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder . Burcu Ece Kök ÖzyürekAlper AlnakMurat Coşkuna Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkeyb Professor of…
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The Impact of Social Learning and Social Bonds on Juvenile Delinquency: An Empirical Study of Secondary School Students in Saint Lucia

The Impact of Social Learning and Social Bonds on Juvenile Delinquency: An Empirical Study of Secondary School Students in Saint Lucia . Montelle Marius Maradona FelixCentral Police University, Taoyuan City,…
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Early Adverse Childhood Experiences and Later Delinquency: Considering the Role of Middle Childhood Risk Factors

Early Adverse Childhood Experiences and Later Delinquency: Considering the Role of Middle Childhood Risk Factors . Braden ReeseHayley PierceMelissa S. Jonesa Brigham Young University Law School, Provo, UT, USAb Brigham…
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Shooting the Messenger: How Expert Statements on Stigmatized Populations Negatively Impact Perceived Credibility

Shooting the Messenger: How Expert Statements on Stigmatized Populations Negatively Impact Perceived Credibility . Jason RydbergKelly M. SociaChristopher P. DumKatrina Colea School of Criminology and Justice Studies, University of Massachusetts…
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