‘I Feel Persecuted. It’s So Distressing and Upsetting, It Is All Too Much’. A Disablist Hate Crime Typology: Intimidation, Exploitation and Brutalization

‘I Feel Persecuted. It’s So Distressing and Upsetting, It Is All Too Much’. A Disablist Hate Crime Typology: Intimidation, Exploitation and Brutalization AbstractIn this article, we develop a typology of…
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Sentencing terrorist leaders and their followers: evidence from Islamic State defendants in U.S. Federal courts, 2014–2024

Sentencing terrorist leaders and their followers: evidence from Islamic State defendants in Federal courts, 2014–2024 . Callie Vitro Camden Carmichael Austin C. Doctor Seamus Hughes National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and…
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Perceived Unfair Treatments by the Subordinate: Its Association with the Effectiveness of Subordinates and the Mediating Role of Supervisory Forgiveness and Revenge

Perceived Unfair Treatments by the Subordinate: Its Association with the Effectiveness of Subordinates and the Mediating Role of Supervisory Forgiveness and Revenge Go to Source
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The Extent and Sources of Support for Mitigating Collateral Consequences: A Comparison of Criminal Justice Majors and Non-Majors

The Extent and Sources of Support for Mitigating Collateral Consequences: A Comparison of Criminal Justice Majors and Non-Majors . Sunmin Hong Haley N. Puddy Alexander L. Burton Sunmin Hong is…
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Knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of young adults regarding revenge pornography in Ghana: a qualitative study

Knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of young adults regarding revenge pornography in Ghana: a qualitative study . Enoch Teye-Kwadjo Danielle D. Jones Yvette Akuokor Afowa Ussher a Department of Psychology,…
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