The Woman in Black: A Defense of Trigger Warnings in Creating Inclusive Academic Spaces for Trauma-Affected Students through a Feminist Disability Studies Pedagogy
The Woman in Black: A Defense of Trigger Warnings in Creating Inclusive Academic Spaces for Trauma-Affected Students through a Feminist Disability Studies Pedagogy
Laura Jane BowerDepartment of Sociology, Durham University, Durham, UKLaura J. Bower, MA, is a Teaching Fellow and doctoral candidate in the Department of Sociology at Durham University, in Durham, U.K. She is also a member of the Centre for Research into Violence and Abuse (CRiVA). As an early career researcher, her work centers around using arts-based and creative methods in exploring victim-survivor identities with people with lived experiences of sexual assault. She also enjoys teaching undergraduate criminology courses including criminological theory, research methods, and violence and abuse, inspiring her research into the lived experiences of students with trauma and disabilities.