E-commerce Features
E-commerce Features The main features of e-commerce can be pointed out as follows:1. Individual CommunicationCommunication is individualized and interaction is with carefully selected individual customer. E-name is used for this…
Functions Of An Entrepreneur
Functions Of An Entrepreneur Entrepreneurial qualities consist of vision, inspiration, creativity, risk taking and achievement orientation. An entrepreneur is a visionary individual who takes risks by starting a new venture…
Characteristics Of Entrepreneurship
Characteristics Of Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship has the following characteristics:1. Creating New VentureEntrepreneurship is concerned with creation of new venture with new ideas. Such ventures starts as a small business to satisfy…
Concept And Meaning Of Entrepreneurship
Concept And Meaning Of Entrepreneurship The process of discovering new venture with creativity and innovation is called entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship requires assumption of risk and reaping of awards. It brings resources…
Concept And Meaning Of Investment
Concept And Meaning Of Investment InvestmentGenerally, income and expenditure of an individual never current income exceeds current desires, people intend to save their surplus. With this surplus they plan to…
Difference Between Direct Costs And Indirect Costs
Difference Between Direct Costs And Indirect Costs Major differences between direct costs and indirect costs are as follows:1. MeaningDirect Cost: Costs associated directly with the production of specific products and…
Difference Between Variable Costs And Fixed Costs
Difference Between Variable Costs And Fixed Costs Major differences between variable costs and fixed costs are as Cost: Costs which increase or decrease with the change in output or Cost:…
Meaning And Characteristics Of Variable Costs And Fixed Costs
Meaning And Characteristics Of Variable Costs And Fixed Costs Variable CostsThe variable costs that vary or change in the direct proportion to and in the same direction as the change…
Objectives Of Financial Accounting
Objectives Of Financial Accounting Main objectives of financial accounting can be described as Recording Of Financial TransactionsSince human memory is short, systematic recording of financial transactions that took place in…
Importance Of Management Accounting
Importance Of Management Accounting Need and importance of management accounting can be described as follows:1. Goal DeterminationManagement accounting determines specific goals and objectives of the business organization. It sets future…