Psychological acceptance, perceived locus of control, and abstention or desistence from delinquent behavior among at-risk adolescents
Psychological acceptance, perceived locus of control, and abstention or desistence from delinquent behavior among at-risk adolescents . Ofer Zemel Read the syndicated article here
Mental health needs and coping resources of participants in a prostitution pre-sentencing court program
Mental health needs and coping resources of participants in a prostitution pre-sentencing court program . Tammy Schultz Read the syndicated article here
An evaluation of dialectical behavior therapy for juveniles in secure residential facilities
An evaluation of dialectical behavior therapy for juveniles in secure residential facilities . Andrew M. Fox Read the syndicated article here
A touch of the outside on the inside: the effect of animal contact on the pains/strains of imprisonment
A touch of the outside on the inside: the effect of animal contact on the pains/strains of imprisonment . Leslie Hill Read the syndicated article here
The effects of probation stipulations on employment quality among people on probation
The effects of probation stipulations on employment quality among people on probation . Jesse Capece Read the syndicated article here
The role of the defense attorney in relation to biological interventions as rehabilitative strategies
The role of the defense attorney in relation to biological interventions as rehabilitative strategies . Colleen M. Berryessa Read the syndicated article here
The moderating role of psychological distance on the impact of malleability beliefs on public attitudes toward punishment
The moderating role of psychological distance on the impact of malleability beliefs on public attitudes toward punishment . Inbal Peleg-Koriat Read the syndicated article here
Reducing intimate partner violence: a pilot evaluation of an intervention program
Reducing intimate partner violence: a pilot evaluation of an intervention program . Jennifer S. Wong Read the syndicated article here
A field study of the impact of psychotropic medication on delinquency and juvenile justice system involvement among a high risk sample of children and adolescents
A field study of the impact of psychotropic medication on delinquency and juvenile justice system involvement among a high risk sample of children and adolescents . Natalie Armstrong-Hoskowitz Read the…
Relationship matters with citizens returning from prison: qualitative findings from a mentoring program
Relationship matters with citizens returning from prison: qualitative findings from a mentoring program . Thomas K. Kenemore Read the syndicated article here
Transitioning house: a “safe umbrella” from criminal stigmatization?
Transitioning house: a “safe umbrella” from criminal stigmatization? . Christiane Schwarz Read the syndicated article here
Intended and unintended benefits of specialty courts: results from a Texas DWI court
Intended and unintended benefits of specialty courts: results from a Texas DWI court . Marcus Tyler Carey Read the syndicated article here