Do direct and courtesy prison stigma hinder support for a startup business? A vignette experiment



Test whether support for a small business is lower when started by prisoners or mothers of prisoners compared to local residents or people who identify as LGBTQ.


We conducted a vignette experiment using a hypothetical social media post for a new business followed by closed- and open-ended questions using a national YouGov sample (N = 1300).


Support for the business is lower when founded by mothers of prisoners than former prisoners (or “local residents”), but lowest when founded by people who identify as LGBTQ. Open-ended responses suggest a lack of awareness of collateral consequences for families of people in prison. Explanations consistent with courtesy stigma were also present.


Given the public’s growing awareness of the benefits of successful reintegration and their willingness to support second chances, more education on the collateral harms of mass incarceration on families could assist with reinvestment in these communities.

Read the syndicated article here