Implementing an asset-based approach: A case study of innovative community policing from Hawkhill, Scotland
Implementing an asset-based approach: A case study of innovative community policing from Hawkhill, Scotland
The Police Journal, Ahead of Print.
This case study reports on a 5-year project which has been running in Hawkhill, a deprived area in central Scotland where violent crime was also of concern. It highlights the steps necessary to move from theory to implementation: the process and impact of change of a unique, innovative police/partnership policy within the framework of Scottish Policing. Through auto-ethnography it reports on utilising an asset-based approach for reducing offending, improving health, well-being and local community conditions by supporting and building on its assets, connecting people and creating conditions for respectful, meaningful, partnership working where all partners can make a valuable contribution.
This case study reports on a 5-year project which has been running in Hawkhill, a deprived area in central Scotland where violent crime was also of concern. It highlights the steps necessary to move from theory to implementation: the process and impact of change of a unique, innovative police/partnership policy within the framework of Scottish Policing. Through auto-ethnography it reports on utilising an asset-based approach for reducing offending, improving health, well-being and local community conditions by supporting and building on its assets, connecting people and creating conditions for respectful, meaningful, partnership working where all partners can make a valuable contribution.