Ahmed Abu Khatallah Indicted for Terrorist Conspiracy Stemming from September 2012 Attack in Benghazi, Libya

Ahmed Abu Khatallah Indicted for Terrorist Conspiracy Stemming from September 2012 Attack in Benghazi, Libya Ahmed Abu Khatallah, aka Ahmed Mukatallah, made his first appearance today in the District Court…
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Using Conformity to Enhance Willingness to Intervene in Dating Violence: A Theory of Planned Behavior Analysis.

Using Conformity to Enhance Willingness to Intervene in Dating Violence: A Theory of Planned Behavior Analysis. Objective: The purposes of this study were to investigate the influence of social norms…
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Relationship Quality and Cognitive Reappraisal Moderate the Effects of Negative Urgency on Behavioral Inclinations Toward Aggression and Intimate Partner Violence.

Relationship Quality and Cognitive Reappraisal Moderate the Effects of Negative Urgency on Behavioral Inclinations Toward Aggression and Intimate Partner Violence. Objective: Intimate partner violence refers to verbal and physical aggression…
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