The Link Between a Husband’s Trust in Informal Institutions and Domestic Violence Against His Wife: Evidence From Pakistan

The Link Between a Husband’s Trust in Informal Institutions and Domestic Violence Against His Wife: Evidence From Pakistan Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Ahead of Print. The global and national push…
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The Relationship Between Perceived Social Support and PTSD Symptoms After Exposure to Physical Assault: An 8 Years Longitudinal Study

The Relationship Between Perceived Social Support and PTSD Symptoms After Exposure to Physical Assault: An 8 Years Longitudinal Study Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Ahead of Print. Consequences of nondomestic violence…
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The Network Structure of Trauma Symptoms of Abuse-exposed Children and Adolescents in South Africa

The Network Structure of Trauma Symptoms of Abuse-exposed Children and Adolescents in South Africa Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Ahead of Print. Network theory promises new ways for conceptualizing, methods for…
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‘Surfing’ burglaries with forced entry in Catalonia: Large-scale testing of near repeat victimization theory

‘Surfing’ burglaries with forced entry in Catalonia: Large-scale testing of near repeat victimization theory European Journal of Criminology, Ahead of Print. In recent years, various academic studies have proposed crime…
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Oklahoma Man Pleads Guilty to Aiding and Abetting the Solicitation of a Kickback in Connection with a Government Contract in Afghanistan

Oklahoma Man Pleads Guilty to Aiding and Abetting the Solicitation of a Kickback in Connection with a Government Contract in Afghanistan Ryan Scott McMonigle, of Ponca City, Okla., pleaded guilty…
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Former Los Angeles Medical Center Owners Agree to $10 Million Consent Judgment for Medicare and Medi-Cal Fraud Scheme

Former Los Angeles Medical Center Owners Agree to $10 Million Consent Judgment for Medicare and Medi-Cal Fraud Scheme The United States has obtained a $10 million consent judgment against Los…
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