Creating profiles of juvenile offenders using functions of aggression and callous-unemotional traits: relations to crime type

Creating profiles of juvenile offenders using functions of aggression and callous-unemotional traits: relations to crime type . Casey A. Pederson Read the syndicated article here
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Police shooting mortality: Investigating individual, incident, and contextual factors differentiating fatal and non-fatal police shootings

Police shooting mortality: Investigating individual, incident, and contextual factors differentiating fatal and non-fatal police shootings . Keller Sheppard Read the syndicated article here
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“A Lot of my Day is Spent Looking at Injustice”: Reflections on Decolonizing Teaching and Relationship Building across Difference

“A Lot of my Day is Spent Looking at Injustice”: Reflections on Decolonizing Teaching and Relationship Building across Difference . Michaela M. McGuire Read the syndicated article here
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“[It’s] what you do after the mistake that counts”: Positive employment credentials, criminal record stigma, and potential pathways of mediation

“ what you do after the mistake that counts”: Positive employment credentials, criminal record stigma, and potential pathways of mediation Abstract The findings from prior research indicate that positive credentials,…
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Violent extremism risk assessment in the Australian courts; professional and ethical challenges for the expert witness in post sentence preventative detention cases

Violent extremism risk assessment in the Australian courts; professional and ethical challenges for the expert witness in post sentence preventative detention cases . N. Pyszora Read the syndicated article here
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