The “Guns on Campus” Study: A Collaborative Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) in Criminal Justice

The “Guns on Campus” Study: A Collaborative Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) in Criminal Justice . Nathan Kruis Read the syndicated article here
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Romantic Partnerships and Criminal Offending: Examining the Roles of Premarital Cohabitation, Serial Cohabitation, and Gender

Romantic Partnerships and Criminal Offending: Examining the Roles of Premarital Cohabitation, Serial Cohabitation, and Gender . Yi Li Read the syndicated article here
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The Impact of Community Supervision Officer Training Programs on Officer and Client Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

The Impact of Community Supervision Officer Training Programs on Officer and Client Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Ryan M. Labrecque Read the syndicated article here
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The Makings of a Terrorist: Continuity and Change Across Left-, Right- and Jihadist Extremists and Terrorists in Europe and North-America, 1960s-Present

The Makings of a Terrorist: Continuity and Change Across Left-, Right- and Jihadist Extremists and Terrorists in Europe and North-America, 1960s-Present . Bart Schuurman Read the syndicated article here
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