Co-offending and police notification: the differential reporting of young groups to the police
Co-offending and police notification: the differential reporting of young groups to the police . Brendan Lantz Read the syndicated article here
‘Tell me what just happened’: the effect of immediate recall on adult memory for instances of a repeated event
‘Tell me what just happened’: the effect of immediate recall on adult memory for instances of a repeated event . Natali Dilevski Read the syndicated article here
From Control to Conflict: A Spectrum and Framework for Understanding Government-Militia Relationships
. Go to Source Author: Andrew Thomson
The “Guns on Campus” Study: A Collaborative Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) in Criminal Justice
The “Guns on Campus” Study: A Collaborative Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) in Criminal Justice . Nathan Kruis Read the syndicated article here
Too Harsh for Me but Not for Thee? Threat Control, Personal Freedom, and Perception of Pandemic Policy
Too Harsh for Me but Not for Thee? Threat Control, Personal Freedom, and Perception of Pandemic Policy . Kelly M. Socia Read the syndicated article here
Romantic Partnerships and Criminal Offending: Examining the Roles of Premarital Cohabitation, Serial Cohabitation, and Gender
Romantic Partnerships and Criminal Offending: Examining the Roles of Premarital Cohabitation, Serial Cohabitation, and Gender . Yi Li Read the syndicated article here
The Impact of Community Supervision Officer Training Programs on Officer and Client Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
The Impact of Community Supervision Officer Training Programs on Officer and Client Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Ryan M. Labrecque Read the syndicated article here
The Makings of a Terrorist: Continuity and Change Across Left-, Right- and Jihadist Extremists and Terrorists in Europe and North-America, 1960s-Present
The Makings of a Terrorist: Continuity and Change Across Left-, Right- and Jihadist Extremists and Terrorists in Europe and North-America, 1960s-Present . Bart Schuurman Read the syndicated article here