Circle Pedagogy in Criminal Justice Education at a PWI: A Student/Faculty Collaborative Autoethnography
Circle Pedagogy in Criminal Justice Education at a PWI: A Student/Faculty Collaborative Autoethnography . Vanessa Lynn Read the syndicated article here
Exploring sex differences between dimensions of psychopathy, executive functioning and youth gang membership
Exploring sex differences between dimensions of psychopathy, executive functioning and youth gang membership . Justin J. Joseph Read the syndicated article here
Psychological factors predicting self-reported and observed aggression in male forensic psychiatric inpatients
Psychological factors predicting self-reported and observed aggression in male forensic psychiatric inpatients . Ruud H. J. Hornsveld Read the syndicated article here
Suggestive questions reduce the accuracy of adults’ reports about one episode of a repeated event
Suggestive questions reduce the accuracy of adults’ reports about one episode of a repeated event . Stefanie J. Sharman Read the syndicated article here
Do road offenders constitute a unique clinical and sociodemographic profile? The relationship between crime and road safety
Do road offenders constitute a unique clinical and sociodemographic profile? The relationship between crime and road safety . José María Faílde-Garrido Read the syndicated article here
Politics of Impunity: torture, the armed forces and the failure of transitional justice in Brazil
Politics of Impunity: torture, the armed forces and the failure of transitional justice in Brazil . Matheus Hoffmann Pfrimer Read the syndicated article here