The falling carbon footprint of acquisitive and violent offences
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Pre-crime: Pre-emption, Precaution and the Future. By Jude McCulloch and Dean Wilson (London and New York: Routledge, 2016, 154pp. £34.99)
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In Praise of Forgetting: Historical Memory and Its Ironies. By David Rieff (Yale University Press, 2016, $25.00/Yale University Press, £14.99, 160pp.)
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Narrative Criminology: Understanding Stories of Crime. Edited by L. Presser and S. Sandberg (New York: New York University Press, 2015, 318 pp. £29.99 UK)
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Conservatives Value Public Safety, Order and Victims, Liberals Have Undying Solicitude for Criminal Offenders: A Response to Our Critics
Conservatives Value Public Safety, Order and Victims, Liberals Have Undying Solicitude for Criminal Offenders: A Response to Our Critics Conservatives Value Public Safety, Order and Victims, Liberals Have Undying Solicitude…
Neo-Liberal Criminologists Demand Freedom From Oppression
Neo-Liberal Criminologists Demand Freedom From Oppression Neo-Liberal Criminologists Demand Freedom From Oppression Read the syndicated article here
Chasing Windmills
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Days of Whine and Poses
Days of Whine and Poses Days of Whine and Poses Read the syndicated article here
Conservative Criminology: A Call to Restore Balance in the Social Sciences. By john paul wright and matt delisi (London: Routledge, 2016, 138pp. $50.96)
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Under the Radar: The Widespread use of ‘Out of Court Resolutions’ in Policing Domestic Violence and Abuse in the United Kingdom
Under the Radar: The Widespread use of ‘Out of Court Resolutions’ in Policing Domestic Violence and Abuse in the United Kingdom AbstractThe suitability of ‘out of court resolutions’ (restorative justice…
Compromised Power and Negotiated Order in a Ukrainian Prison
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Where Poverty Matters: Examining the Cross-National Relationship between Economic Deprivation and Homicide
Where Poverty Matters: Examining the Cross-National Relationship between Economic Deprivation and Homicide AbstractRecent research on the role of economic deprivation in explaining cross-national homicide rates is inconsistent. These inconsistencies may…